Fluoride Varnish Dosing Pad – Instructions for Use

  1. Place the tube vertically above the centre of the relevant circle, 2 to 3 mm from the surface of the pad

  2. Maintaining this position, press the tube until Colgate® Duraphat® varnish covers the totality of the surface area (up to the red circle)

  3. Remove the tube vertically

  4. Use a microtip to apply the varnish to surfaces of the teeth


Fluoride Varnish Dosing Pad – Dosage Guidance

  • The circles provide safe guidance on the volume to be applied for the prevention of caries, according to the dosage stated in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC):

    • Primary dentition up to 0.25 ml

    • Mixed dentition up to 0.40 ml

    • Permanent dentition up to 0.75 ml

  • These quantities refer to a single application to the full dentition

  • For a partial treatment of the dentition, use the lower dosage e.g. for half of adult dentition, use the 0.40 ml circle

  • This visual dosage guide is specific to the viscosity of Colgate® Duraphat® Fluoride Varnish, licensed for caries control

  • Note: dosing pad is for visual guidance only
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